In this series, you and your students will explore what it means to be a human made in the image of God in a world filled with artificial intelligence. Through Scripture study and reflection, you’ll discover who Jesus is as the ultimate source of truth and learn how to use AI in a way that honors God’s plan for creation.
The four lessons in this series show students both the faults of and reason for humanity – providing direction for walking away from sin and into sanctification.
In this series, you and your students will explore how prayer and worship are not only part of the ongoing conversation we have with a relational God but are expressions of dependence and love that come from a grateful heart for what Jesus did for us on the cross
In this series, you will lead your students in the  ways they can know who God is and explore the difference between knowing about God and having an authentic relationship with him.
Christianity is more than just another spiritual option. It uniquely tells us the truth about God, the world, and ourselves. Sin has tricked and trapped us in a life-constricting parody of reality apart from our Creator. Jesus came to free us from sin, so we could learn to live in the life-affirming light of the real world with God. This 8-week series covers the foundations of the Christian faith.
The Bible is central to our faith, but what is it? How do all its pieces fit together, and what do they have to do with life today? In this four-week series, your students will engage in these and more questions, so they can discover for themselves the strange new world of the Bible.
This series contains four lessons that will help students to take a deep look at the image of God and see what it means to bear His image.
Gender identity is the hot topic of our cultural moment. Through this series, you can invite your students to wrestle with God's design for their gender and their experiences of gender within the framework of Jesus' call to discipleship.
The Greek word for church is ekklesia,  “called out.” This series will invite your students to consider just how awesome it is to be a part of God’s boundary-crossing family, called out of a life of sin and isolation and into a life of love and service.
When we hear the word “missions,” we often think of missionaries who’ve raised support and live in foreign countries or short-term missions trips our students take in the summer. And while “missions” includes these things, all followers of Jesus are called to live their lives on mission all the time. When we give our lives to Jesus, we join in God’s big, ongoing mission to redeem the world.
In our digitized culture of competition and comparison, teens are struggling more than ever with insecurities and confusion about their bodies. In this four-week small group series, invite your students to contemplate how all of who they are—body, mind, and spirit—has been wonderfully made for a purpose.
Social media is undeniably an influence in our lives and communities. It's an incredibly powerful tool that can be used for good or for bad. Help your students explore what it looks like to follow Jesus both online and off with this four-week small group series.
Everybody desires to love and be loved, yet “love” is one of the most misunderstood topics in our culture. The narratives about this topic that the world offers are very different from the true image of love we see in God. Help your students unpack their assumptions and beliefs about love with this four-week small group series.
God created us as whole people, our minds, bodies, and spirits woven together to form who we are. Yet, so often our practices of faith neglect our mental and emotional wellbeing. Help your students discover what God’s Word has to say about the importance of caring for our mental health with this four week small group series.
Do your students ever wonder what it means to have a God-given calling or purpose? Do they think about how their daily work has the potential to honor God? God created us for work! In this four week series, you’ll engage your students in conversations about how they can contribute to the flourishing of creation by the work they do and the way they do it.
You’ve seen it and research has proven it: Gen Z is confused about moral and spiritual truth. This small group series will help you create an environment for your students to wrestle with important ethical questions about absolute truth.
Mental health is a topic that the Church cannot ignore any longer. Our research shows that this is an issue your students care deeply about – and are struggling with themselves. This three-lesson series will help you facilitate meaningful discussions about what the Bible says about mental health.
The four lessons in this series help prepare your students’ hearts for the Christmas season by explaining why the world needed a Savior and how we should respond to His birth, life, death, and resurrection.
This three-lesson series will help your students understand the power and importance of evangelism – equipping them with confidence to share the Gospel with their friends.
In this five-lesson series, students will explore questions like "Who was Jesus of Nazareth? and "How did he fulfill his promises to Israel?"
The four lessons in this series are targeted at answering the question – what is salvation?
This four-lessons series looks at how Jesus came to earth and died an undeserving death to pay the debt of our sin.
This 4-week series covers the biblical view of God and justice. By dissecting Micah 6:8, students will learn how to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with their God.
The four lessons in this series explore the concept of creation – how God created all things and why He created humanity.
This series contains four lessons that delve into the hope that believers have of seeing Jesus return to earth as He promised.
In this four-lesson series, we look at the promises of God to mankind since creation and how He has fulfilled them through the ages.
This series devotes four lessons to unpacking the concept of sin, its consequences, and how to find repentance through Christ.
The four lessons in this series are targeted at answering the question – who is Jesus? – and understanding the Gospel Jesus proclaimed.
Packed with eight lessons, this series explores key concepts such as the identity of Jesus and the meaning of life, prayer, and baptism.