
A free small group series

Only 57% of U.S. teens say their faith beliefs or spiritual journey are an important part of their identity. (OneHope)

The American teenage identity is complicated. But that doesn’t mean we sit back and watch teens flounder while trying to figure out who they are in Christ. This series contains four lessons that will help students to take a deep look at the image of God and see what it means to bear His image.

Topics Include...

Why did God create us?

Why can’t we worship God perfectly by bearing His image anymore?

How does God restore us according to His image?

What does it mean to bear God's image today?

“In youth every Wednesday, we have small groups using this Small Group Series. We have seen students grabbing hold of and making their faith their own in the process. We love that this curriculum is making students really think about what they are learning or what they have been told their whole life.”